
October 15, 2021

Learn, Engage and Discuss

Come Join Us! Primary Care Malnutrition Collaborative

The goal of this Malnutrition Collaborative is to bring together primary care health care professionals from across Canada to implement nutrition screening and other malnutrition care activities within practice settings.  By working together, we can support each other’s work, learn from each other and take important steps in making malnutrition …

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September 28, 2021

Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition

Promouvoir les soins nutritionnels

Du 4 au 8 octobre 2021 - Cette campagne de sensibilisation a été établie dans le but d’inciter les professionnels de la santé à dépister et à traiter la malnutrition plus tôt, d’encourager les consommateurs et les patients à parler de leur état nutritionnel avec leurs professionnels de la santé et de …

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September 20, 2021

Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition

4 au 8 octobre 2021

Le thème de la Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition de 2021 est le suivant : « Promouvoir les soins nutritionnels »

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September 16, 2021

Norme nationale du Canada Prévention, détection et traitement de la malnutrition

Maintenant disponible!

L'Organisation de normes en santé (HSO) et le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition (GTCM), comité permanent de la Société canadienne de nutrition (SNC), sont fiers de publier officiellement la nouvelle Norme nationale du Canada Prévention, détection et traitement de la malnutrition (CAN/HSO 5066:2021). 

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September 10, 2021

Reconnaître et combattre la malnutrition

Grand Rounds

Le Service de nutrition clinique du CHUM en collaboration avec le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition vous invite à assister au webinaire Reconnaître et combattre la malnutrition présenté par la Dre Johane P. Allard le 23 septembre prochain de 12 h à 13 h en ligne.

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August 24, 2021

CMTF research calls for the Implementation of a uniform Malnutrition Clinical Care Pathway in Pediatric Hospitals

Canadian Nationwide Survey on Pediatric Malnutrition Management in Tertiary Hospitals

The Pediatric CMTF Working Group conducted a survey including 15 tertiary pediatric hospitals across Canada. Results show that routine nutritional screening upon hospital admission has not been widely adopted and that standardized protocols for assessment and management of malnutrition in hospital and after discharge is lacking. For full online article visit

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August 9, 2021

CMTF’s Heather Keller joins Technical Committee for National Long Term Care Standard!

CMTF and CNS would like to congratulate Heather Keller for her appointment to the National Long-Term Care (LTC) Service Standards Technical Committee.

Heather who is the Schlegel Research Chair in Nutrition and Aging at the University of Waterloo will support the development of the National LTC Services Standard starting in June 2021.  For more information about the standard and the committee, visit

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July 22, 2021

New publication on Food Services practices to prevent malnutrition available online

Canadian Hospital Food Service Practices to Prevent Malnutrition, Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 21 July 2021.

In this recent publication, Janice Sorensen, co chair of CMTFs Food in HealthCare Working Group, and co-authors have  illuminated gaps in current hospital food service practices compared to evidence based practices. Their work has highlighted the need for standardized patient centred food service approaches. 

For the full online article visit:

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June 11, 2021

Nutrition Screening in Primary and Community Care Survey

Professor Heather Keller (University of Waterloo), Marg Alfieri (Primary Care Dietitians Association) and the Primary Care working group of the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force are conducting a survey to determine what models of nutrition screening have been implemented in primary and community care, the reach of these efforts …

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June 10, 2021

Now launched! Primary & Community Care Malnutrition Toolkit

This toolkit was created for Registered Dietitians working in primary care, community, and home care. The toolkit was designed by Dietitians for Dietitians to provide hands on tools to help you screen, assess and treat malnutrition within your practice setting.

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