© 2025 Canadian Malnutrition Task Force
Resources and tools to assist in Championing Malnutrition Care
The following list of resources build on the messages outlined in the 2021 Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™ Infographics and are meant to guide clinicians in their efforts to champion malnutrition care in their settings..
Evidence on how to prevent, detect and treat malnutrition
- Recommendations for best nutrition care
- CMTF publications
- Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard (CAN/HSO 5066:2021) - coming soon
Existing nutrition pathways and tools
- Hospital-Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC) and Toolkit
- Primary Care & Community Pathways - includes transitions of care
- Primary Care & Community Toolkit
Raising Malnutrition awareness with your leaders and team
- Advocating for nutrition
- Posters, infographics and videos
- Getting ready for Implementation
- Team Engagement
Feasible Nutrition interventions
These resources will support select interventions that may be considered easier to start. Clinicians will need to determine which ones are feasible in their own setting.
- Food intake and weight monitoring
- Food first approaches (Standard Care)
- Food is medicine
- Nutrition Care at hospital discharge
- Transitions and Referrals
Evaluate effect and modify approaches
These resources support the process of adopting new practices and it is recommended that you share these with your team to assist in evaluating and modifying your approaches.