Get Ready

The unit staff, hospital management and a few key people need to be ready before you start making changes. Staff and management need to understand that improvement is needed, and be ready to slowly start making progress that can be measured. The following resources will help to build readiness for your team to take on implementation of INPAC.

Readiness Tools

Research has shown that assessing organizational readiness for change is a key first step towards successful implementation (Weiner, 2009; Amatayakul, 2005).  Before embarking on making changes in your hospital, it is important to assess your organizations’ readiness for change. Many factors can affect the success of your implementation efforts, such as staff capacity and commitment, training and support, organizational capacity, senior leadership, individual and organizational culture and norms. By taking these factors into consideration before implementation, change leaders can begin to predict: the potential effectiveness of the intervention, possible resistance to change that may arise, as well as specific areas where additional effort may be required.

Many tools and checklists have been developed to assist organizations’ in assessing their level of readiness. Here are a few you may want to consider using before embarking on change in your hospital:

1. Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment:

2. Checklist to Assess Organizational Readiness (CARI):

3. Organizational Change Readiness Assessment:

Appreciative Inquiry

This document explains the role of Appreciative Inquiry within INPAC

Roles and Basics of Change Management - M2E phase 2

Acknowledgment: The ideas and resources included on this page are provided in part by the hospitals involved in the More-2-Eat project.

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