Histoires de réussites


February 5, 2017 - Health Care Professional

Canadian Malnutrition Week at University Health Network

UHN spreads the word about Canadian Malnutrition Week 2016! UHN knows that malnutrition is a big issue in Canadian hospitals and was eager to raise awareness to make hospital staff and visitors more “food aware.” This is how we did it… • Created and distributed 500 pens with the tagline “Malnutrition is preventable and treatable” and the CMTF website URL (nutritioncareincanada.ca) • “All Users” email notification with announcements of featured webinar of the day, etc. • Displayed CMTF posters at all 4 sites across UHN • Hosted 5 catered webinars attended by 177 staff. These showcased CMW webinars and videos, and also an internal presentation on “Interprofessional Approaches to Treating Malnutrition” • Every day of the week, we engaged staff and visitors from 8:30 -12:00 with interactive hospital lobby displays where prizes were given to those who participated in a malnutrition trivia game • Shared 2 tweets to over 15,000 followers • Shared 1 Facebook post that reached over 700 followers • Shared 1 LinkedIn post that received dozens of clicks and 9,500 impressions • Illustrated the impact of malnutrition through a patient interview and perspectives from a dietitian who completed a collaborative academic project on malnutrition. The story was published in the UHN news story and received 355 views! http://www.uhn.ca/corporate/News/Pages/UHN_task_force_addresses_malnutrition_in_patients.aspx Submitted by Olivia Saqui RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Toronto General Hospital Site, University Health Network

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