Success Stories


February 5, 2017 - Health Care Professional

Canadian Malnutrition Week at University Health Network

UHN spreads the word about Canadian Malnutrition Week 2016! UHN knows that malnutrition is a big issue in Canadian hospitals and was eager to raise awareness to make hospital staff and visitors more “food aware.” This is how we did it… • Created and distributed 500 pens with the tagline “Malnutrition is preventable and treatable” and the CMTF website URL ( • “All Users” email notification with announcements of featured webinar of the day, etc. • Displayed CMTF posters at all 4 sites across UHN • Hosted 5 catered webinars attended by 177 staff. These showcased CMW webinars and videos, and also an internal presentation on “Interprofessional Approaches to Treating Malnutrition” • Every day of the week, we engaged staff and visitors from 8:30 -12:00 with interactive hospital lobby displays where prizes were given to those who participated in a malnutrition trivia game • Shared 2 tweets to over 15,000 followers • Shared 1 Facebook post that reached over 700 followers • Shared 1 LinkedIn post that received dozens of clicks and 9,500 impressions • Illustrated the impact of malnutrition through a patient interview and perspectives from a dietitian who completed a collaborative academic project on malnutrition. The story was published in the UHN news story and received 355 views! Submitted by Olivia Saqui RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Toronto General Hospital Site, University Health Network

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