Webinaires de la Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition 

Cliquez pour les résumés du webinaire CMAW 2023 (disponibles en anglais seulement

Le GTCM de la SCN a été fier de s'être associé avec l'American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) pour la la Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition and Malnutrition Awareness Week™  2023

CLIQUEZ ICI pour accéder à l'enregistrement de notre webinaire conjoint spécial intitulé « Comment accroître et entretenir la sensibilisation à la malnutrition » qui s'est tenu le 28 septembre 2023 (2h00 - 13h15 HE)


Calendrier des webinaires
Jeudi 28 septembre
12h00 - 13h15
Comment accroître et entretenir la sensibilisation à la malnutrition
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Mardi 3 octobre
12h00 - 13h00
Dépistage et traitement de la malnutrition chez les enfants : l’approche néerlandaise
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Mardi 3 octobre 
15h00 - 16h15
Approches multidisciplinaires de lutte contre la malnutrition chez les patients hospitalisés 
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Mercredi 4 octobre
12h00 - 13h15
Expériences de dépistage du risque nutritionnel en milieu extrahospitalier : groupe d’experts multidisciplinaires
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Jeudi 5 octobre
12h00 - 13h15
Soins nutritionnels centrés sur les besoins des résidents d’établissements de soins de longue durée : ça prend une équipe!
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Jeudi 5 octobre
15h00 - 16h00
Approches multidisciplinaires de lutte contre la malnutrition chez les patients hospitalisés
Ce webinaire est donné en français

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Vendredi 6 octobre
12h00 - 13h00
Soins nutritionnels spécialisés – Combattre la malnutrition grâce à un soutien nutritionnel
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Défilez vers le bas pour plus de détails
Screening and treatment for malnutrition in children: the Dutch approach («Dépistage et traitement de la malnutrition chez les enfants : l’approche néerlandaise»)

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET

Dr. Koen Joosten, ErasmusMC-Sophia Children’s Hospital, The Netherlands 

Moderator: Jessie Hulst MD, PhD  Staff Gastroenterologist, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

Nutritional Screening and assessment, and treatment and follow-up of  hospitalized children with malnutrition should be organized by a multidisciplinary team and appropriate nutritional pathways are needed.

CMTF’s Peds Working Group has developed evidence-based strategies around screening, assessment, and treatment of hospitalized children however, there are challenges implementing pathways in hospitals related to barriers around knowledge, resources and logistics. Moreover, there is a gap in the organization and provision of nutrition care once these children are discharged from hospital. Therefore, it is important to learn from experiences in other countries that have managed to adopt guidelines, including the incorporation of hospital quality indicators around malnutrition care, and are currently engaged in further research into post-discharge care.

In this session, one of the founding members of the Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group, will discuss the Dutch approach and review the processes for implementing nutrition screening for children in the hospital and in the community in the Netherlands. Lessons learned from the mandatory reporting of malnutrition to the Dutch government will also be shared along with resources and tools.  Recommendations will be made on how these findings can be applied to a Canadian setting, in a team-based approach.   


This webinar was presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​​​​​​​. 

Transdisciplinary Approaches for Hospital Malnutrition Care («Approches multidisciplinaires de lutte contre la malnutrition chez les patients hospitalisés»)

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 3:00pm - 4:15pm ET

Rupinder Dhaliwal, RD FDC, Program Manager Canadian Malnutrition Task Force
Andra Stancu, MSc., PMP, Program Manager, Global Programs, Health Standards Organization (HSO)
Donna Schafer, P.Dt., M.Sc., Chief of Clinical Nutrition, CIUSSS Centre-Ouest-de-l'Ile-de-Montréal

Moderator: Roseann Nasser MSc, RD, FDC, CNSC,  Research Dietitian, Saskatchewan Health Authority


In this session, the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) will provide a brief update on the latest initiatives being undertaken with its partners and collaborators, aimed at being Stronger Together to address malnutrition. After 2 years of the publication of the Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard CAN/HSO 5066:2021, the Health Standards Organization (HSO) will share the results of the pilot of the Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Required Organizational Practice (ROP). The pilot has been used to assess feasibility of the inclusion of the ROP into Accreditation Canada’s Qmentum Accreditation Program. HSO will also share feedback received from hospitals that participated in the pilot for the ROP. This session will also include the real life experiences of a Clinical Nutrition Manager and her team as they have continued to implement best practices to address malnutrition across several institutions in Montreal.


This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​​​​​​​. 

Experiences with nutrition risk screening in the community: a multidisciplinary panel («Expériences de dépistage du risque nutritionnel en milieu extrahospitalier : groupe d’experts multidisciplinaires»)

Date and Time: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:15pm ET

Marjan Abbasi, MD CCFP CAC (COE) FCFP, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Alberta
Lisa Peach, RN, Vancouver Coastal Health, BC
Ross Lepera, MD, CFPC, Adjunct Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Windsor
Maggie Wallin, BMR-PT, CRE, Physiotherapist,Winnipeg, MB
Denis Tsang, MSc, MAN, RD, CHE, CDE, Clinical Programs Lead, Ontario Health; Vice-President, College of Dietitians of Ontario; Lecturer, University of Toronto

Moderator: Heather Keller RD PhD FDC FCAHS, Schlegel Research Chair in Nutrition & Aging, University of Waterloo.


Nutrition screening is an important step in the prevention, detection & treatment of malnutrition. Older adults are particularly vulnerable, timeliness of screening has escalated due to staff/workplace challenges in a post pandemic era. Nutrition interventions, including those provided in a primary and community setting, have shown to result in a positive impact on intake, quality of life, health care costs and even mortality. Nutrition screening with validated tools and care pathways have been shown to be feasible in a family practice setting.

A “stronger together” approach is needed in a community setting where other medical professionals can work with dietitians to provide the best nutrition care. In this session, a well known nutrition researcher will briefly review the evidence and knowledge based pathways created around nutrition screening in older adults. This will be followed by an interactive interview style session in which MDs, RNs and a Clinical Program Lead from varying primary care settings across Canada will share their personal experiences with nutrition risk screening.


This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​​​​​​​. 

Webinar sponsored by

Resident Centred Care for Food-It takes a team! («Soins nutritionnels centrés sur les besoins des résidents d’établissements de soins de longue durée : ça prend une équipe!»)

Date and Time: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:15pm ET

Eileen Wong MD CCFP-EM FCFP, Family Physician
Debby Berteau Dt. P., Montreal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre
Marie-Hélène Cyr, Dt.P., Montreal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre
Corrine Pollard MN, NP-PHC, CHPCN(C), Nurse Practioner
Penny Zdichavsky, Past President,CSNM
Sandra Smith, Food Service, Albright Manor

Moderator: Janice Sorensen RD PhD, Clinical Research Lead, Long Term Care and Assisted Living Research Unit, Fraser Health Authority


Residents often face challenges in accessing high quality food and nutrition care in Long-Term Care (LTC). This has been exacerbated in post-pandemic recovery due to heightened staffing shortages and budget constraints. Resident-centred care involves individualized care provided with compassion, dignity, and respect for meaningful quality of life. When addressing malnutrition, resident-centered food and nutrition care  aims to meet resident goals, needs and preferences and requires buy in from multiple partners.

In this session, physicians, dietitians, nutrition managers, and food service workers from varying LTC centres across Canada will present the latest recommendations and guidance on resident centred care approaches for food in LTC. They will also share their own experiences with implementing resident-centred care for food & nutrition care and offer practical resources and tools for use in a LTC setting.


This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​​​​​​​. 

Webinar sponsored by

Approches multidisciplinaires de lutte contre la malnutrition chez les patients hospitalisés («Transdisciplinary Approaches for Hospital Malnutrition Care»)

Date and Time: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET

Andra Stancu, MSc., PMP, Program Manager, Global Programs, Health Standards Organization (HSO)
Mélissa Lagacé Dt.P. M.B.A. Professional Coordinator, Clinical Nutrition, Quebec Heart and Lung Institute (IUCPQ)

Moderator: Roseann Nasser MSc, RD, FDC, CNSC,  Research Dietitian, Saskatchewan Health Authority


Au cours de ce webinaire, le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition (GTCM) présentera rapidement les plus récents projets entrepris avec ses partenaires et collaborateurs dans un effort de mise en commun des forces de chacun pour mieux lutter contre la malnutrition. Deux ans après la publication de sa norme Prévention, détection et traitement de la malnutrition (CAN/HSO 5066:2021), l’Organisation de normes en santé (HSO) présentera les résultats du projet pilote de mise en œuvre de la pratique organisationnelle requise (POR) sur la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la malnutrition. Ce projet pilote a été réalisé dans le but d’évaluer la faisabilité de l’inclusion de cette POR dans le Programme d’agrément Qmentum d’Agrément Canada. L’organisation de normes en santé présentera les commentaires reçus de la part des hôpitaux qui ont participé à ce projet. De plus, au cours du webinaire, la coordonnatrice en nutrition clinique d’un centre hospitalier de Québec, partagera les expériences acquises en situation réelle par les membres de son équipe, qui ont continué à travailler à la mise en œuvre des pratiques exemplaires de lutte contre la malnutrition.


Ce webinaire est donné en français / This webinar is presented in French.

Specialized Nutrition Care- Addressing malnutrition through nutrition support («Soins nutritionnels spécialisés – Combattre la malnutrition grâce à un soutien nutritionnel»)

Date and Time: Friday, October 6, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET

Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCP, Medicine, University of Alberta
Michele McCall, MSc, RD, Director, McCall Dietetics

Moderator: Barbara Bielawska, MD MSc FRCPC -  University of Ottawa & The Ottawa Hospital


Specialized nutrition care is an individualized nutrition strategy that often includes enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition. It requires the involvement of a registered dietitian and/or a nutrition support team member and is a key component of the Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC), a standard to meet the nutritional needs of patients. In this session, a globally renowned gastroenterologist-nutrition specialist will review the role of enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition, with or without oral nutrition supplementation, in optimizing nutrition and preventing or treating malnutrition. Tools created to assist the bedside practitioner with proper assessment techniques to identify malnutrition will be shared. Learn from a nutrition support dietitian educator about the gaps in current practice compared to latest recommendations for enteral and parenteral nutrition in acute care. Practical strategies to overcome challenges faced by dietitians administering nutrition support will be offered.br />

This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​​​​​​​. 

Webinar sponsored by

Malnutrition Awareness Week™ is a mark of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN). Used with permission from ASPEN. 

English / Français

© 2024 Canadian Malnutrition Task Force
