© 2025 Canadian Malnutrition Task Force
2019 Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™ Research References
Malnutrition in the Community
* 2019 Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™ Infographics research references are as follows:
- 1 in 3 seniors have difficulties meeting their nutritional needs
Ramage-Morin P, Garriguet D. Nutritional risk among older Canadians, Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 82-003-X, Health Reports, 2013;24( 3): 3-13.
- At least 1 in 4 patients who are admitted to hospital are malnourished, many are older adults
Keller H, Valaitis R, Laur CV, McNicholl T, Xu Y, Dubin JA, Curtis L, Obiorah S, Ray S, Bernier P, Gramlich L, Stickles-White M, Laporte M, Bell J. Multi-site implementation of nutrition screening and diagnosis in medical care units: Success of the More-2-Eat project, Clin Nutr 2019;38: 897- 905 doi 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.02.009
Allard JP, Keller H, Jeejeebhoy KN, Laporte M, Duerksen D, Gramlich L, Payette H, Bernier P, Vesnaver E*, Davidson B, Terterina A, Lou W. Malnutrition at hospital admission: contributors and impact on length of stay. A prospective cohort study from the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016; 40(4): 487-497. doi 10.1177/0148607114567902
- Only 1 in 10 patients discharged from hospital see a dietitian in the community
Keller H, Payette H, Laporte, Bernier P, Allard J, Duerksen D, Gramlich L, Jeejeebhoy K. Patient-reported dietetic care post hospital for free-living patients: a Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) study. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2018; 31(1): 33-40. doi 10.1111/jhn.12484
Laur C, Curtis L, Dubin J, McNicholl T, Valaitis R, Douglas P, Bell J, Bernier P, Keller H. Nutrition care after discharge from hospital: an exploratory analysis from the More-2-Eat study. Healthcare. 2018; 6(1): 9. doi 10.3390/healthcare6010009
- Patients are 2 times more likely to be readmitted to hospital
Lim SL, Ong KCB, Chan YH, Loke WC, Feguson M, Daniels L. Malnutrition and its impact on cost of hospitalization, length of stay, readmission and 3-year mortality. Clin Nutr 2012;31: 345- 350
- A malnourished hospital patient will stay two to three days longer than a patient who is well nourished, costing about $2Billion/year to the acute care system
Lori Jane Curtis, Paule Bernier, Khursheed Jeejeebhoy, Johane Allard, Donald Duerksen, Leah Gramlich, Manon Laporte , Heather H. Keller. Costs of hospital malnutrition.
Malnutrition Awareness Week™ is a mark of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN). Used with permission from ASPEN.