
April 1, 2022

Sondage National de 2022 sur les Pratiques Entourant la Malnutrition dans les Hôpitaux Canadiens

Le sondage est ouvert du 1 avril au 30 juin 2022

Le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition (GTCM) et Dr. Heather Keller (University of Waterloo) réalisent un sondage national pour mieux comprendre les pratiques actuelles entourant la malnutrition dans les hôpitaux. 

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March 1, 2022

Developing LTC Recommendations Survey deadline March 21

CMTFs LTC and Food Working Group is collaborating with Gerontology Network & DC to help identify key informants and key documents that could support the development of Long Term Care recommendations.

If you are working in LTC, please complete this survey by March 21, 2022.  Read more for details.  

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January 25, 2022

CMTF authors advance malnutrition knowledge through 7 new publications in 2021!

Did you know that CMTF authors contributed to the knowledge around malnutrition through 7 new scientific journal publications in 2021?

Celia Laur, Heather Keller, Koen Huysentruyt, Janice Sorensen and Cathy Chan bring us the latest evidence in hospital, primary care, transitions of care and pediatrics. You may check out these key publications on our updated webpage where key articles are listed according to color coded areas of interest.

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December 21, 2021

“Nutrition Risk and Weight Stigma- Important Considerations for Practice”

Mentoring session: Wed. Jan. 26, 12-1pm ET

The CMTF Primary Care Working Group is holding a Community of Practice session to guide primary care and community dietitians on considerations to avoid weight based stigma while screening for nutrition risk.

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November 26, 2021

Hamilton Health Sciences and Alberta Health Services share CMAW 2021 activities & success stories!

Katie Genge RD from Hamilton Health Sciences and Karol Sekulic RD from AHS have shared their list of activities for CMAW 2021. Plus, Stephanie Cox RD from AHS has generously outlined her success story about Making Meals Matter.  Click here for the AHS Time to Eat toolkit. Read more:

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November 22, 2021

Exciting CMTF opportunity for a postdoctoral fellow-deadline Dec 3rd!

As a host partner organization for CIHR’s Health System Impact Fellowship, CMTF-CNS is looking for a 2-year postdoctoral fellow to focus on their new program of nutrition care champions across Canada, Advancing Malnutrition Care (AMC).

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November 18, 2021

Enregistrement disponible : Reconnaitre et Combattre La Malnutrition Grand rounds

Looking for a session on how to recognize and tackle malnutrition in French? A recording of the presentation given by Dr. Johane Allard at CHUM Grand Rounds on Sept 23 is now available here
For more details about grand rounds, visit

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October 25, 2021

Les dernières nouvelles du GTCM - octobre 2021

Bulletin d'information du GTCM

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October 21, 2021

La Dre Leah Gramlich, ancienne présidente du GTCM, fera une présentation lors de l'événement suivant du Forum en médecine familiale (Family Medicine Forum)

Samedi 13 novembre, de 9 h à 10 h HNE

La session du Dr Leah Gramlich, intitulée Nutrition Considerations From Hospital to Home : Evidence and Practice, est conçue pour permettre aux médecins de famille de reconnaître, diagnostiquer et traiter la malnutrition, ainsi que d'examiner les interventions fondées sur des données probantes. Cette session auxiliaire fait partie d'un programme de …

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October 19, 2021

Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week 2021 sees highest attendees to date!

More than 2300 delegates attended our webinars from Oct 4-8th 2021, making CMAW 2021, Championing Malnutrition Care,  the most successful yet! A total of 16 presenters illuminated the latest evidence & strategies to address malnutrition in adults and pediatrics. #CMAW21 Webinar recordings are free for the month of October.

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