
February 10, 2023

Lutter contre la malnutrition pédiatrique dans les hôpitaux: Commencer le dépistage et l'évaluation

23 mars 2023, 12h - 13h

Tous nos webinaires sont présentés en anglais.

Registration now open for this free webinar! Learn how to implement nutrition screening and assessment in your pediatric hospital.


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February 7, 2023

CMTF Summer Student Scholarship 2023

Deadline March 31 2023

Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) is offering a Summer Student Scholarship for nutrition, medical, or allied health undergraduate students to conduct a malnutrition-related research project over a 4 month period in 2023.

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January 31, 2023

HSO publie une nouvelle Norme nationale pour les soins de longue durée

CAN/HSO 21001:2023 Soins de longue durée

L’Organisation de normes en santé (HSO) a le plaisir d’annoncer la publication de sa nouvelle Norme nationale pour les soins de longue durée. Le groupe de travail de la GTCM sur les soins de longue durée et l'alimentation encourage les prestataires de services, les médecins, les infirmières et les diététiciens qui …

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January 14, 2023

CMTF presents at Children HealthCare Canada Webinar- Feb 8 2023

SPARK Knowledge Mobilization Program

Join this webinar on Feb 8 at 11 am EST to hear CMTF’s Dr. Jessie Hulst and Roseann Nasser present on Advancing Pediatric Nutrition Care in Canadian Hospitals: An Update on the Nutrition Pathway and Malnutrition Standard.

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January 9, 2023

Engagement de la SCN et du GTCM envers la Décennie d'action des Nations Unies pour la nutrition

Creating Alliances Nationally to address Malnutrition

L'engagement de la SCN/du GTCM mise sur le lancement d'une nouvelle initiative - CAN DReaM - Creating Alliances Nationally to address Disease Related Malnutrition - pour comprendre et améliorer les politiquesactuelles concernant la malnutrition liée à la maladie.  

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January 9, 2023

Payette, Hélène - Avis de décès

La communauté CNS et CMTF est triste de partager la nouvelle du décès d'Hélène Payette le 3 janvier 2023.

Au nom de CNS/CMTF, nous souhaitons exprimer nos sincères condoléances à sa famille, ses amis et ses collègues.

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December 29, 2022

Nutrition Risk Screening for Nurses

Mentoring session: Thurs. Jan. 26, 12-1pm ET

The CMTF Primary Care Working Group is holding a Community of Practice session to guide primary care and community dietitians and nurses on how to conduct Nutrition Risk Screening in their settings.

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November 15, 2022

Call for Papers

Addressing Disease Related Malnutrition across healthcare settings

Building on CMTF's work in malnutrition over the last decade and the CNS Food for Health Workshop on May 5, 2022, APNM is creating a Collection of articles covering a combination of original research articles, reviews, and commentaries that focus on addressing disease-related malnutrition in hospital, community, and other settings.

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October 28, 2022

Malnutrition Grand Rounds at Health Sciences North, Sudbury

Dr. Barbara Bielawska MD MSc FRCPC Assistant Professor Department of Medicine from the University of Ottawa will be presenting “Recognizing and Tackling Malnutrition” at the Health Science North Rounds on November 16 at 7:00 am EST. This event is open to all.

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October 28, 2022

CMAW 2022 Malnutrition Care for All theme a huge success!

Important messages around malnutrition delivered

More than 2000 attendees joined this year’s CMAW’s webinar line up from Oct 3-7th to listen to 15 different speakers from a variety of healthcare settings. Participant evaluations show that almost 90% felt that the webinars “fully met their expectations” and 90% rated the presentations by the speakers as being …

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© 2024 Canadian Malnutrition Task Force
