© 2024 Canadian Malnutrition Task Force
Conflict of Interest Statement for CMTF and Industry Sponsors
The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) is committed to maintaining responsible and transparent processes with respect to support received from industry sponsors for all CMTF activities. While input from sponsors is valued by CMTF, final control over all aspects of CMTF business is retained by the CMTF Advisory Committee.
- There will not be any directed sponsorship, except for Post Doctoral Fellows; all funds will go into general CMTF operations.
- All activities of CMTF, including Post Doctoral Fellow research and training, will be approved by the CMTF Advisory Committee.
- The funds provided by sponsors are unrestricted with no input from the sponsor into the business or operations of CMTF, including the specific activities of the Post Doctoral Fellow. The sponsor may request that PDF funds be directed to a specific stream of research/training (e.g. educational products, nutritional interventions, measurement tool development, implementation/culture change etc.)
- Potential sponsors will be made aware of the yearly CMTF plan of work as well as achievements through written communication at the time of a request for sponsorship.
- CMTF will not endorse any sponsor-lead products, including sponsor’s internally or externally focused educational products. However, CMTF via the Advisory Committee, may decide to endorse educational products and other initiatives developed by third parties, which may have received funding from an unrestricted educational grant from a sponsor, when they are consistent with the mandate of CMTF.
- CMTF will not allow product placement or endorsement on its resource materials.